During the teen years a huge number of changes take place. From hormonal changes which account for physical changes in different ways, to how we feel, the emotions can simply be all over the place. To extra work pressure being put on through school and exams. Plus, social pressure, both online and in person. One of these can be tough to deal with, but all this going on at once just simply isn’t fair and can be overwhelming. It’s no wonder that so many teens have anxiety issues and are also being prescribed anti-depressants, just to cope and get through it all.
So as a reflexologist I would first need to have a little natter to establish which area seems to be most troublesome, and if it comes down to everything, that’s okay too. We can’t help our hormones waking up and taking off at a running pace and everything that comes with that, but what we can do is help balance out, stabilize, and smooth that journey along. Everything that goes through your body and your head, calm it down. Stress is also a huge factor, particularly during exam time, this can affect eating and sleeping habits, as well as affecting our relationships. Reflexology is incredibly beneficial for stress, calming things down and enabling us to think more clearly. Personal, social and online relationships can be tricky to negotiate, mainly because many of us are scared to say or do the wrong thing and not knowing what that might bring with it. With all the mobile devices we now have, it’s hard to ever get away from it all and really switch off and find your own center. During a reflexology treatment, you would be required to switch off your mobile device, if you want some calming music of your choice on in the background that’s fine. It’s a time for you and only you. A chance to find your balance, clear your head, and balance out all your systems, allowing you physically, mentally and emotionally to feel more energized and positive.
Working with young people with SEN and don’t mind having their feet touched by a stranger can have wonderful results too.